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Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Deutschlandweit ist das DLR an den 30 Standorten Köln (Sitz des Vorstands), Aachen, Aachen-Merzbrück, Augsburg, Berlin, Bonn, Braunschweig, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Cochstedt, Cottbus, Dresden, Geesthacht, Göttingen, Hamburg, Hannover, Jena, Jülich, Lampoldshausen, Neustrelitz, Oberpfaffenhofen, Oldenburg, Rheinbach, Stade, St. Augustin, Stuttgart, Trauen, Ulm, Weilheim und Zittau vertreten. Das DLR unterhält darüber hinaus Büros in Brüssel, Paris, Tokio und Washington D.C.

Im Geschäftsjahr 2020 betrug der Etat des DLR für Forschung und Betrieb 1.261 Millionen Euro, davon waren 44 Prozent im Wettbewerb erworbene Drittmittel. Das vom DLR verwaltete zivile Raumfahrtbudget lag im Jahr 2020 bei insgesamt rund 1.552 Millionen Euro (ohne EUMETSAT, der europäischen Einrichtung für meteorologische Satelliten, die Wetter und Klima vom All aus überwacht). Davon entfielen rund 945 Millionen Euro auf den deutschen Beitrag zur Europäischen Weltraumorganisation ESA. Der ESA-Anteil hatte demzufolge einen Anteil von 61 Prozent am gesamten Raumfahrtvolumen.

Für das Nationale Raumfahrtprogramm wurden rund 305 Millionen Euro aufgewendet, was einen Anteil von 20 Prozent ausmacht. Für den Bereich Forschung und Technologie lag das Volumen bei rund 301 Millionen Euro. Der Anteil des forschenden Raumfahrtbereichs am gesamten Raumfahrtbudget betrug somit 19 Prozent. Die Fördermittel des Projektträgers im DLR hatten ein Volumen von 2.240 Millionen Euro und des Projektträgers Luftfahrtforschung von 202 Millionen Euro.

Wofür steht das DLR

Das Selbstverständnis des DLR ist das einer auf wissenschaftlicher Spitzenleistung ausgerichteten Forschungseinrichtung. Darüber hinaus agiert das DLR als kompetente Managementeinrichtung zur Stärkung des Wissens- und Innovationsstandorts Deutschland. Im Fokus stehen die eigene Rolle in der Gesellschaft und die Verantwortung gegenüber Kunden, Geschäftspartnern, Mitgliedern und Mitarbeitenden sowie eine nachhaltige Handlungsweise. Vor diesem Hintergrund trägt das DLR zur Lösung gesellschaftlicher Fragestellungen bei.

Dabei gelten folgende Grundsätze für alle Aktivitäten des DLR:

Diese Grundprinzipien sind in einem verbindlichen Verhaltenskodex niedergelegt. Das DLR ermutigt über den eigenen Geltungsbereich hinaus alle Kunden, Auftraggeber, Lieferanten und weiteren Geschäftspartner zum Handeln nach diesen Grundsätzen.

Arbeiten im DLR

Die Leistungsfähigkeit des DLR basiert auf seinen hervorragend ausgebildeten und motivierten Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, die sich im DLR kontinuierlich fortbilden können. Chancengleichheit, Diversität und Gleichstellung werden großgeschrieben. Mit gleitender Arbeitszeit, Teilzeitbeschäftigung und speziellen Fördermaßnahmen wird dafür gesorgt, dass sich Beruf und Familie gut vereinbaren lassen. Aktuelle Stellenausschreibungen finden Sie im DLR-Karriereportal.

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FairNetz GmbH

FairNetz GmbH


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Ihr Netzbetreiber für die Region - sichere Versorgung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert

Mit innovativen Produkten und technischen Dienstleistungen sorgen wir für die sichere und zuverlässige Energieversorgung in der Region - und das schon seit dem 19. Jahrhundert.

Für unsere Kunden, zu denen private Haushalte gleichermaßen wie Unternehmen sowie Kommunen und Stadtwerke gehören, entwickeln, bauen und betreiben wir moderne Versorgungsnetze für Energie, Wasser und Telekommunikation. Aktuell ist die FairNetz GmbH in 13 Regionen Stromnetzbetreiber und in 23 Regionen Gasnetzbetreiber. Dabei hat die sichere Versorgung mit einer hohen Ausfallsicherheit die höchste Priorität.

Individuelle Lösungen durch tiefgreifende Expertise und motivierte Mitarbeiter

Durch den Einsatz unserer geschulten und motivierten Mitarbeiter halten wir die Versorgungsqualität in unserem Netzgebiet kontinuierlich auf dem höchsten Niveau. Unterstützt werden wir dabei von modernsten und zukunftsfähigen Technologien, die bei uns eingesetzt werden. Mit unseren nachhaltigen Konzepten und effizienten Lösungen tragen wir entscheidend zur Entwicklung und zum Gelingen der Energiewende bei; getreu dem Motto: Aus der Region - für die Region.

Mit umfassenden Beratungen gelingt es uns, individuelle Lösungen für die technischen Herausforderungen unserer Kunden zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Dazu gehören beispielsweise energieeffiziente Straßenbeleuchtungen, öffentliche Wasserversorgung sowie zukunftsorientierte digitale Infrastrukturen wie Glasfaser - und das alles aus einer Hand. Wir bringen erneuerbare Energiequellen und nachhaltige Energieerzeugungsmengen ins Netz. Die Förderung dieser wichtigen Themen verbessert die Energieeffizienz und schont fossile Ressourcen, Umwelt und Klima - damit sind wir Treiber der Energiewende auf regionaler Ebene.  

Teil einer starken Gruppe

Die FairNetz GmbH gehört zur Stadtwerke Reutlingen Gruppe und ist eine 100%-ige Tochter der FairEnergie GmbH. Wir stellen unbundlingkonforme Abwicklung aller Geschäftsprozesse nach dem Energiewirtschaftsgesetz sicher. Die hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit unserer Netze leisten wir grundsätzlich mit eigenen, qualifizierten und erfahrenen Mitarbeitern. Unsere Mitarbeiter bilden das Rückgrat unseres Unternehmens und sie sind auch unsere Zukunft. Gerade hinsichtlich der immer höher werdenden Veränderungsgeschwindigkeit in der Energiewirtschaft setzen wir auf einen hohen Aus- und Weiterbildungsstandard. Derzeit sind rund 778 Mitarbeiter bei der SWR-Gruppe beschäftigt, davon 382 Mitarbeiter bei der FairNetz GmbH (Stand 12/2023).

Ihr Netzbetreiber - was wir für Sie tun

  • Wir übernehmen die Verantwortung für die reibungslose Energieversorgung in Reutlingen und der Region
  • Wir bieten umfassende Beratung und innovative Konzepte für die technischen Herausforderungen von morgen
  • Wir entwickeln, bauen und betreiben Infrastruktur für  Strom-, Gas-, Wärme- und Wassernetze bis hin zum intelligenten Zähler
  • Wir liefern exakte Zählerdaten als Basis für Ihre reibungslose Faktura
  • Wir planen und realisieren moderne, digitale Infrastrukturen – Glasfasernetze – für die Telekommunikation im digitalen Zeitalter  
  • Wir bringen Sie einfach und schnell an unser Netz
  • Wir sorgen für erneuerbare Energiequellen und nachhaltige  Energieerzeugungsmengen im Netz
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Munich district

Munich district


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Munich is the hub for North-South and West-East trade. All economic centers of Europe can be easily reached from here. Even within Germany, the Munich region is considered a prime location.

Transport infrastructure, local companies, cultural offerings and, last but not least, the proximity to the Bavarian lakes and mountains make the Munich region what it is - in fact The ideal location for working and living.

With 348,871 inhabitants (as of 31.12.2018), the district of Munich is the most populous of the 71 districts in Bavaria. The 29 cities and municipalities of the Munich district surround the city of Munich from the north to the southwest of the city and offer ideal conditions for companies and employees, startups, traditional companies and global corporations alike.

The cities and municipalities of the Munich district are characterized by a unique mix of contrast and uniqueness, tradition and modernity, nature and technology, home and cosmopolitanism.

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Kreis Pinneberg

Kreis Pinneberg


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Nordwestlich an Hamburg angrenzend liegt der kleinste und zugleich auch größte Kreis Schleswig-Holsteins, der Kreis Pinneberg. Er ist zwar flächenmäßig der kleinste, mit rund 325.000 Einwohnern jedoch der Kreis mit der größten Bevölkerung.

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HAWK - University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen

HAWK - University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen


100-1.000+ Angestellte

HAWK is a state university in Lower Saxony with more than 6,000 students. The university is regionally anchored and also has excellent national and international connections. Their roots, which go back to the 19th century at the Holzminden site, for example, are certainly a basis for this.

Since its official founding as a university of applied sciences (now a university) in 1971, HAWK has always kept up with the times. A good example is the 48 study programs the university. Their content, practical relevance and teaching methods reflect what is expected in professional fields today and in the future. In addition to the classic full-time courses with bachelor's and master's degrees, there are part-time, and dual study programs as well as Continuing education offers established. Lifelong learning is therefore not just a goal, but remains a living practice.

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ETL Logistics GmbH

ETL Logistics GmbH


10-100 Angestellte

Our logistics experts will answer any pending questions with you, such as shipping methods, packaging or additional insurance for valuables. On request, we will pick up your shipment from you at the agreed time and take care of the packaging with certified material and in accordance with applicable regulations. It doesn't matter whether it is pallets, pieces of furniture, temperature-controlled goods or fragile porcelain. Our ETL Logistics GmbH employees are trained logistics specialists and ensure the smooth and safe transportation of your goods.

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Archdiocese of Paderborn
public sector

Archdiocese of Paderborn

public sector

100-1.000+ Angestellte

that Archdiocese of Paderborn is a local church of the Catholic Church. Around 4.8 million people live in the Archdiocese of Paderborn, of whom more than 1.3 million are Catholic. There are approximately 3,000 employees working in the institutions of the Archdiocese. They and many volunteers work every day to create a living faith and fulfill the mission of the church — in the celebration of religious services, pastoral care, in educational institutions and with charitable offers.

The Archdiocese of Paderborn is divided into 19 deaneries with 604 parishes in 101 pastoral care units (pastoral spaces/pastoral associations/entire parishes). The Archdiocese of Paderborn is led by Archbishop Dr. Udo Markus Bentz, his vicars general are Monsignor Dr. Michael Bredeck and Prelate Thomas Dornseifer.

Geographically, the Archdiocese of Paderborn covers an area of around 15,000 square kilometers — from Minden in the north to Siegen in the south and from Höxter in the east to Herne in the western Ruhr region. In addition to the areas in Westphalia, parts of the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg (Hesse) and the city of Bad Pyrmont (Lower Saxony) also belong to the Archdiocese of Paderborn. The metropolitan church is the High Cathedral of St. Maria, St. Liborius, St. Kilian in Paderborn, which dates primarily from the 13th century.

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Bundesstadt Bonn

Bundesstadt Bonn


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Die Bundesstadt Bonn, in der mehr als 335.000 Menschen leben, ist deutsche UNO-, Kongress- und Beethovenstadt, Sitz zahlreicher internationaler und wissenschaftlicher Institutionen, von Bundesministerien und obersten Bundesbehörden, einer traditionsreichen Universität sowie Standort globaler Unternehmen. Bonn ist eine wachsende Stadt und bietet eine hohe Lebensqualität sowie vielseitige Freizeitmöglichkeiten sowohl in der Stadt als auch in der umliegenden Region.

Das Amt für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation der Bundesstadt Bonn umfasst die Aufgabenbereiche Liegenschaftskataster, Vermessungen, Urban Data Management sowie Grundstücksbewertung und Bodenordnung mit insgesamt rund 110 Mitarbeitertenden.

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Jade Hochschule

Jade Hochschule


100-1.000+ Angestellte

An der Jade Hochschule in Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg und Elsfleth studieren rund 6.500 Menschen mit mehr als 200 Professorinnen und Professoren. Lehre und Forschung zeichnen sich durch innovative Ansätze, kooperative Zusammenarbeit und eine zugewandte Haltung aus. In allen Bereichen fördert die Hochschule Kompetenz und Vielfalt.

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Mainz University

Mainz University


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Short periods of study, international training courses and practical relevance in research and teaching — these are the trademarks of Mainz University of Applied Sciences, which currently has 5,515 students enrolled.

The range of courses is wide-ranging and is divided into three subject areas: Design, Technology, Economics.

With the establishment of eight independent institutes and two competence centers, new trends have been set in the area of applied research and development in recent years. The numerous cooperation partners from business, politics, culture and science, the high level of private and public funding and the prestigious awards that are awarded to students prove the performance and reputation of the university.

Mainz University attaches particular importance to being close to its students. The good relationships between students and university teachers are promoted through intensive support, small teaching units and many joint projects.

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Reinickendorf District Office of Berlin
public administration

Reinickendorf District Office of Berlin

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Make the capital your job.

Berlin is many things: the scene of world history, a hotspot for culture and science, a booming start-up metropolis, a place of longing for people from all over the world and much, much more, but above all: home to almost 3.86 million Berliners. With around 135,000 employees, the state of Berlin ensures that Berlin is one of the most livable cities in the world.

To keep it that way, the state of Berlin is looking for people with a wide range of skills and competencies. We need people who can adapt flexibly to the rapid economic, cultural and digital transformation of the city and, above all, people who are responsible and helpful.

We need capital city makers!

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City of Forchheim
public administration

City of Forchheim

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

With around 33,000 inhabitants, Forchheim is located in the south of the Bavarian administrative district of Upper Franconia. Along the Regnitztal development axis, with Bamberg in the north and Nuremberg in the south, the city is conveniently located on the Main-Danube Canal and on the Franconian expressway. As a result, Forchheim is centrally located in the Nuremberg metropolitan region. Since October 2002, the large district seat has been part of the Bamberg-Forchheim economic region. With Franconian Switzerland as a recreation area right on the doorstep, the city offers another plus. Forchheim is therefore the ideal combination of economic attractiveness and quality of life.

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Munich District Office
District Office

Munich District Office

District Office

100-1.000+ Angestellte

With around 360,000 inhabitants, the district of Munich is the most populous district in Bavaria. As a central administration with more than 1,700 employees, the district office performs a wide range of municipal and state tasks for the citizens of the Munich district — true to our mission statement: We — together — for you!

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Stade district

Stade district


100-1.000+ Angestellte

The District of Stade (around 200,000 inhabitants) is located in northern Lower Saxony in the immediate vicinity of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg and is part of the Hamburg metropolitan region; the district administration is based in the Hanseatic City of Stade. There is a wide range of general and vocational schools close to home as well as a wide range of offers in the areas of culture, education, sports and leisure activities.

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Rhein-Sieg Netz GmbH
Network operation

Rhein-Sieg Netz GmbH

Network operation

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Be part of the energy future — at Rhein-Sieg Netz GmbH, the distribution network operator from Siegburg, responsible for the Rhein-Sieg region! We are a subsidiary of Rhenag Rheinische Energie AG, the traditional energy supplier based in Cologne. Your talent is in demand with us! Participate in the vital task of safely supplying thousands of people with electricity, gas and water. A strong region needs strong energy networks — and strong networks need strong people like you!

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Friesland district
public administration

Friesland district

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Living in the district of Friesland means living right on the North Sea coast on a World Heritage Site and yet well connected by motorways, federal roads and railways. Idyllic villages and farms — and urban life, a rich tourist and cultural program, shopping around the corner, cheap rental and real estate prices and a very good network of cycle paths — Friesland is all of this!

You are welcome to around 100,000 inhabitants who live and work in eight cities and municipalities and host around 660,000 overnight guests with 4 million overnight stays in one of the most beautiful holiday regions in Germany. In future, you too will live and work where others spend their holidays.

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City of Winnenden

City of Winnenden


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Winnenden City Council as an employer

Get to know us...

Winnenden is scenically and conveniently located (train/S-Bahn and B14) in the Stuttgart metropolitan region. The family-friendly city offers its 29,000 inhabitants a high level of residential and leisure value. The charming mix of historic center and climate-friendly and traffic-friendly districts and residential areas is characteristic. Numerous efficient commercial enterprises are based in Winnenden.

The city of Winnenden is an attractive and modern employer with a wide range of occupations and numerous benefits for its approximately 650 employees. We also include Stadtwerke Winnenden and inter-municipal institutions in association with neighboring municipalities. Become part of our team and actively shape the present and future of our city!

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Buchholz + Partner GmbH

Buchholz + Partner GmbH


10-100 Angestellte


Umweltplanung | Baugrunderkundung | Altlasten

Wir sind ein erfolgreiches mittelständisches Ingenieurbüro mit den drei Arbeitsschwerpunkten Baugrunderkundung & Geotechnik, Umweltplanung & Naturschutz sowie Altlasten & Bodenschutz.

BUCHHOLZ + PARTNER ist als Gutachter- und Sachverständigenbüro tätig und Partner der regionalen und überregionalen Bau- und Energiewirtschaft sowie Berater für Planungsbüros, Investoren und die öffentliche Hand. Unser Team besteht aus über 90 MitarbeiterInnen an den Standorten Leipzig, Berlin, Heiligenberg/Bodensee und Gera.

Die Firmenkultur ist geprägt von einer sehr flachen Hierarchie, (familien-)freundlicher Arbeitsatmosphäre und einer strukturierten, zielorientierten Arbeitsweise. Auf selbstständiges und eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten wird großer Wert gelegt.

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Hessen Mobil
Mobilität & Straßenbau

Hessen Mobil

Mobilität & Straßenbau

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Hessen Mobil verbindet Menschen und Orte in Hessen. Als Straßenbaubehörde verantworten wir die komplette Wertschöpfungskette des Straßenbaus und kümmern uns um Mobilitätsstrategien, Planung, Bau, Straßenbetrieb und das Verkehrsmanagement. Mit aktuellen Technologien ebnen wir den Weg für eine vernetzte Mobilität. So entstehen sichere, komfortable und zukunftsfähige Bundes- und Landesstraßen und die dazu gehörigen Radwege.

Mit unserer Zentrale in Wiesbaden, 14 Außenstellen und 46 Straßenmeistereien in ganz Hessen haben wir den wachsenden Verkehr in unserem Bundesland genau im Blick. Unsere über 3.000 Mitarbeitenden stehen im engen Austausch mit Landkreisen, Städten, Gemeinden und anderen Behörden – wir sind mit den Besonderheiten jeder Region vertraut. Immer im Fokus: Die Qualität unserer Ergebnisse und der Schutz von Umwelt und Natur.

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem Job bei Hessen Mobil? Besuchen Sie unser Karriereportal unter

Hier geht’s zu unserer Datenschutzerklärung und dem Impressum:

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Geology, mining, engineering


Geology, mining, engineering

10-100 Angestellte

TERRA MONTAN® — Society for Applied Geology mbH

is an independent, independent and competent engineering firm founded by experienced scientists and engineers, which has been operating successfully on the market since 1990.

Since the beginning, we have provided complex and diverse engineering services for preparation, testing and planning in the fields of mining, geology, geotechnical and environmental engineering. Support for clients and construction projects is carried out regionally and throughout Germany.

Our headquarters in Suhl is located on the southern slope of the Thuringian Forest and offers optimal connections to the national transport network. Regional presence and customer proximity are just as important to us as working at a high professional level, responding flexibly and achieving comprehensive customer satisfaction.

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Energielenker Group

Energielenker Group


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Take advantage of opportunities - shape the future

Let's shape the energy revolution together

What will the Energy World of Tomorrow look like? As an integrated system service provider, energy leader offers answers to this question in the context of the energy revolution. We focus on the business areas of sustainable municipal development, building planning, investment and contracting, photovoltaics and e-mobility, as well as on the field of digitization, which is inextricably linked to all areas. Our motivated employees are the fuel for our solutions.

Employees: 350+

Venues: 10

Customers: 700+

Completed projects: 1750 +

Sustainable - future-oriented - innovative - connected

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Konstanz District Office
public service

Konstanz District Office

public service

100-1.000+ Angestellte,Lde/service-und-verwaltung/aemter/hauptamt/stellenangebote

Konstanz district office — for a strong district of Constance

At the Constance District Office, over 1,200 employees are committed to the district every day. Our 31 specialist offices and branch offices cover a wide spectrum — from environmental protection and integration to health and digitization.

In addition Jobs with added value and secure jobs in one of Germany's most beautiful regions We support our employees in many areas of life:

  1. Attractive bonuses: Performance premium, annual special payment and capital benefits.
  2. Protection: Company pension plan and long-term hours account, e.g. for “sabbath period”.
  3. Work-life balance: Flexible working time models and the option to work from home.
  4. Development: Further qualification through continuing education and funding programs.
  5. Health & Social Affairs: Prevention programs, Hansefit, social counseling, childcare.

Help shape the future of the district of Constance!

We are looking forward to new talent who will shape the future of the district together with us. Join our team and take a look at our current job offers.

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Landkreis Böblingen
Öffentliche Verwaltung

Landkreis Böblingen

Öffentliche Verwaltung

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Worauf kommt es dir beim Arbeiten an? Auf interessante Aufgaben? Eine sichere Zukunftsperspektive? Ein tolles Team?

Uns kommt es darauf an, dass Arbeit mehr ist als ein 8-Stunden-Job oder ein Gehaltsscheck am Ende des Monats.

Wir wollen mehr. Mehr Spannung, mehr Flexibilität, mehr Möglichkeiten. Wir wollen gemeinsam mehr bewegen durch unsere Arbeit und dabei nicht aus der Balance geraten. Wir wollen den Landkreis Böblingen für die Menschen besser machen – und dabei für unsere Kinder zuhause da sein. Wir wollen uns sicher fühlen und dabei keinen langweiligen Job machen.

Wir wollen einfach mehr. Viel mehr fürs Leben.

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MRK Media AG

MRK Media AG


10-100 Angestellte

Digitalisierungsstrategien, Glasfaserausbau, 5G-Netze und Energiewende: Wir bringen uns aktiv für die Zukunft ein. Die Vernetzung von Infrastruktur und Daten ist unsere Leidenschaft. Wir wollen zum Gelingen von Veränderungen beitragen. Unser erfahrenes Team unterstützt Sie auf diesem Weg.

2000: Gründung der MRK Media AG als kompetenter Partner für Ingenieurdienstleistungen und Softwareentwicklung

Über 20 Jahre Expertise: Die Sicherheit eines etablierten Unternehmens und eine große Portion an Erfahrung. Wir bieten beides.

Die MRK Media AG ist Ihr erfolgreicher und effektiver Partner für die zielführende Realisierung Ihrer Projekte. Dabei übernehmen wir zuverlässig die Leitung der gesamten Realisierungskette in folgenden Themengebieten:

  1. Breitbandberatung Breitbandberatung
  2. Telekommunikation & NetzeTelekommunikation & Netze
  3. Mobilfunk Mobilfunk
  4. Energienetze Energienetze
  5. Digitalisierung Digitalisierung
  6. Softwareentwicklung Softwareentwicklung

Unser multinationales Team aus über 240 Mitarbeitern arbeitet über alle Bereiche hinweg eng zusammen. Dabei macht jeder und jede einzelne einen Unterschied! Du möchtest die Bereiche Informationstechnologien, Telekommunikation & Netze sowie Projektmanagement & Realisierung entscheidend beeinflussen? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig!

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Applied Geology at the University of Münster

Applied Geology at the University of Münster


10-100 Angestellte

The Applied Geology Working Group deals with the occurrence, analysis, behavior, effect and remediation of organic environmental pollutants with a focus on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

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City of Heilbronn
public sector

City of Heilbronn

public sector

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Our city is heading into the future — and you're part of it. Heilbronn am Neckar is the dynamic regional center of the Heilbronn-Franken region. Economic strength, educational diversity, cultural energy and social commitment characterize our city.

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Regionalverband Ruhr
Öffentliche Verwaltung

Regionalverband Ruhr

Öffentliche Verwaltung

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Der Regionalverband Ruhr (RVR) mit Sitz in Essen ist der Zusammenschluss der 11 kreisfreien Städte und vier Kreise in der Metropole Ruhr mit rund 5,1 Millionen Einwohnern.

Der RVR ist als Regionalplanungsbehörde für die Regionalplanung in der Metropole Ruhr zuständig. Er ist Träger bedeutender Infrastrukturprojekte wie der Route der Industriekultur und dem Emscher Landschaftspark. Zu seinen gesetzlichen Aufgaben gehören auch die regionale Wirtschafts- und Tourismusförderung sowie die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die Metropole Ruhr. Zusammen mit seinen kommunalen Partnern trägt er die sieben Revier- und Freizeitparks. Der RVR erhebt zudem Geo- und Klimadaten über die Region und stellt sie seinen Mitgliedskommunen u. a. für planerische Zwecke zur Verfügung. Der Verband ist eine Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts mit dem Recht der Selbstverwaltung durch seine Organe. Er dient dem Gemeinwohl der Metropole Ruhr.

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e-netz Südhessen AG
Network Operator

e-netz Südhessen AG

Network Operator

100-1.000+ Angestellte

To ENTEGA — That's Who We Are:

Stable legs, flexible arms, a heart that beats for sustainability and climate protection, and a wide-awake head — that is the employer ENTEGA! We are packing up and tackling the issues of the future in order to be THE sustainable and innovative solution provider for everyone. On the home straight to becoming an ecologically visionary full-service provider, we always have stood for reliability — even as an employer.

This position is a position at e-Netz Südhessen AG, a subsidiary of ENTEGA AG.

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Brandenburg State Survey and Geoinformation

Brandenburg State Survey and Geoinformation


100-1.000+ Angestellte

One of the main tasks of the LGB (Brandenburg State Survey and Geobase Information) is to collect basic geodata, manage it in technical systems and make it available to everyone. The LGB provides up-to-date and accurate basic geodata from every corner of Brandenburg.

Whether for location analyses, forest fires, police deployment planning, spatial planning, environmental and nature protection, real estate valuations or vehicle navigation — geodata provides the basis for reliable decisions everywhere.

Landscape data, aerial photo data (orthophotos), administrative boundaries, terrain models, house coordinates (georeferenced address), 3D building data, topographical and many other digital products and services can be obtained free of charge from the Geobroker.

The LGB is also a geo-service provider for other authorities and institutions in the state of Brandenburg. The portfolio ranges from consulting and conception to the creation and operation of geo-applications. LGB also offers card and graphic designs, reproductions and printing services. For us, these offers mean delivering quality and expertise from a single source.

Geodata is not only available in the LGB. Many specialist administrations have geodata. The cross-national and departmental networking of geodata in Germany should be achieved with the German Spatial Data Infrastructure (GDI-DE®) can be achieved. The contact point of the GDI-DE in the state of Brandenburg was set up in the LGB. The LGB also provides services for other institutions in the country when it comes to making geodata available in accordance with the obligations arising from the EU INSPIRE Directive.

Of course, this is only an excerpt of our activities. Simply visit our website to find out more about the legal tasks of the LGB and see for yourself the geodata products and services offered. We are happy to be your partner when it comes to geodata and geo-applications. This is not only part of our self-image, but is also firmly anchored in the LGB mission statement. The employees of the LGB will be happy to assist you.

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German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH
International cooperation

German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH

International cooperation

100-1.000+ Angestellte

A better life for everyone and meaningful tasks for our employees — that is our model for success. For more than 50 years, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has been supporting the Federal Government in implementing development policy goals worldwide. Together with partner organizations in 120 countries, we are involved in a wide variety of projects. If you want to make a difference in the world and develop yourself in the process, you've come to the right place.

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Dithmarschen district
public administration

Dithmarschen district

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The district of Dithmarschen belongs to the Hamburg metropolitan region and is located between Steinburg and North Frisia.

We look farther — even outside the box. Satisfied employees do better work, are rarely ill and also harmonize the working environment. While in the past, some employers regarded the bare wage as an appreciation for the work done, employees today set different standards. In particular, the reconciliation of work, family and leisure activities has come into focus. As a modern employer, we welcome this development and encourage our employees to find an individual and healthy balance between work and leisure.

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K2 Engineering GmbH
energy sector

K2 Engineering GmbH

energy sector

10-100 Angestellte

We offer high-voltage tasks — help shape the energy revolution!

Do you like working in a small and motivated team and want to move yourself and us forward?

If you are open to new things, enjoy taking on challenges, working out solutions and enjoy working with numbers, plans or texts just as much as with people, then we look forward to getting to know you better.

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remote sensing


remote sensing

100-1.000+ Angestellte

GAF AG is an e-GEOS (TelePacio/ASI) company based in Munich and Neustrelitz, Germany. It is a leading Earth observation company with an international reputation as an application-oriented provider of data, products and services in the areas of geoinformation, data analysis, geospatial IT and consulting for private and public customers. GAF provides cutting-edge solutions for land monitoring, natural resource management, water and environment, emergency management and safety, mining and geology, agriculture and forestry, and climate change. Since 1985, the company has successfully completed more than 1000 projects worldwide.

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grit GmbH

grit GmbH


10-100 Angestellte

We are a software and consulting company for GIS and related technologies.

From building open source geodata infrastructures (GDI) to developing special software for operation in data centers to cloud infrastructures:

As experts, we advise our customers in a wide variety of areas and, in addition to finished software products, also offer individual development and integration services.

In order to fill and maintain a leading position in our industry over the years, we need people with special knowledge and skills: employees with technical excellence and a strong customer focus who broaden their horizons and not only identify problems but also solutions.

As a medium-sized company, our working environment is strongly characterized by familiar cooperation, teamwork and an honest feedback culture. This is another reason why we are a top-rated employer:

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Herzogtum Lauenburg district
district administration

Herzogtum Lauenburg district

district administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Your new employer is located in the middle of the Lauenburg Lakes Nature Park between the Baltic Sea and the Elbe and at the same time in close proximity to the Hanseatic cities of Lübeck and Hamburg.

We currently employ around 900 people at numerous locations in the Duchy of Lauenburg district, who work every day to serve the interests of almost 200,000 inhabitants

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NRW.mobidrom GmbH
IT consulting

NRW.mobidrom GmbH

IT consulting

10-100 Angestellte

Mobility data partners

Plenty of potential for designing connected mobility

Digital connectivity is playing an increasingly important role so that people reach their destination flexibly, reliably and, above all, in an environmentally friendly way. This is exactly where NRW.mobidrom GmbH comes in: As a company of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, it creates the technical and organizational conditions for tomorrow's connected mobility. In doing so, the newly founded company takes on central implementation tasks of the Mobility-as-a-Service NRW (MaaS NRW) program. Our range of mobility data services is aimed primarily at municipalities, sharing services and players in the public transport sector.

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ioki GmbH

ioki GmbH


100-1.000+ Angestellte

places connect, people move

Your expert for digital mobility — data-based, efficient, tailored to your needs

From data-based mobility analysis to the digitalization of traffic to operational implementation: Together with our partners, we offer all services from a single source — driver-based and autonomous.

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cismet GmbH
software development

cismet GmbH

software development

1-10 Angestellte

The start and the roots

cismet GmbH was founded as a spin-off of the Environmental Informatics Group at Saarland University of Applied Sciences in 2002 by partners Thorsten Hell, Prof. Ralf Denzer, Prof. Reiner Güttler and Sascha Schlobinski. Thorsten Hell acquired all shares in October 2017 and has been the sole shareholder ever since.

A competent team

As trained computer scientists with many years of professional experience, our staff exceptionally has the necessary know-how to design and implement information systems. This includes a basic and theoretically sound understanding of the areas of database design, software design and programming.

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Sovereign Tech Fund
Tech Fund

Sovereign Tech Fund

Tech Fund

1-10 Angestellte

The Sovereign Tech Fund's mission is to strengthen the foundations of our self-determined digital action. The aim is to promote security, innovation and competitiveness and to create a stable digital basis for participation and democracy. To this end, we invest in the open-source ecosystem with a focus on resilience and technological diversity and the goal of achieving digital sovereignty and sustainable digital services of general interest.

As a “start-up” in the Federal Agency for Jumping Innovations, we launched in September 2022 with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and are now looking for strengthening the Sovereign Tech Fund as an independent organization.

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HERE Technologies

HERE Technologies


100-1.000+ Angestellte

HERE Technologies is a location data and technology platform company. We empower our customers to achieve better results — from helping a city manage its infrastructure or a company optimize its assets to safely guiding drivers to their destination.

At HERE, we're committed to being the change we want to see. We create solutions that drive innovation, offer opportunities, and promote integration to improve people's lives. If you want to be inspired by an open world and make positive change, join us.

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City of Troisdorf
public administration

City of Troisdorf

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

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Stadtwerke Bad Oeynhausen AöR
public service

Stadtwerke Bad Oeynhausen AöR

public service

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Stadtwerke Bad Oeynhausen AöR is a 100% subsidiary of the city of Bad Oeynhausen. The areas of business include in particular water supply, wastewater disposal, sewer and road maintenance, cityscape maintenance (green space maintenance, winter maintenance, street cleaning, waste disposal, etc.) and the management of pools and parking facilities. Since June 2016, Stadtwerke Bad Oeynhausen AöR has been operating the gas supply network in Bad Oeynhausen together with Gelsenwasser Energienetze GmbH. In particular, there is a majority stake in Neue Energien Bad Oeynhausen GmbH (NEO) for the purpose of sustainably expanding the heating network in order to be able to offer climate-neutral and future-oriented heat in the urban area.

As a modern and customer-oriented employer, we currently employ around 200 people. We are always looking for qualified and committed colleagues who work with us to develop future-oriented strategies and innovative ideas in order to offer good citizen-oriented services aimed at satisfying our customers.

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Göppingen District Office
public administration

Göppingen District Office

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Göppingen district office is the administration of the Göppingen district and at the same time a state lower administrative authority. The tasks of the district office are varied and the district administration is therefore not only a major service provider, but also an attractive employer.

The work of the district office is divided between several offices, among others:

  • The main office
  • The local authority
  • The district examination office
  • The building authority
  • The Environmental Protection Agency
  • The Office for Surveying and Land Reorganization
  • The Forest Department
  • The Department of Agriculture
  • The Office of Finances and Investments
  • The Department of Schools and Education
  • The Office of Building Construction, Building Management and Roads
  • The district social office
  • The district youth welfare office
  • The Law and Order Office
  • The road traffic office
  • The health department
  • The Veterinary and Consumer Protection Office
  • The Office for Mobility and Transport Infrastructure
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Lower Rhine municipal data center
public administration

Lower Rhine municipal data center

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Lower Rhine Municipal Data Center (KRZN) is one of the ten largest municipal IT service providers in Germany.

In the Lower Rhine and Rhineland, we provide more than 18,000 office workplaces in town halls and district administrations with all forms of municipal information technology. As part of our team in the soil service area at the Kamp-Lintfort site, you are responsible for maintaining and developing 3D components of the geodata infrastructure in the association area and for providing data via standardized services and interfaces. Together, we are making the association's area digitally tangible by providing geodata and geographic information systems.

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State Office for Geoinformation and State Surveying of Lower Saxony (LGLN)
public administration

State Office for Geoinformation and State Surveying of Lower Saxony (LGLN)

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

We are an official partner and service provider for geodata for administrations, commercial enterprises and citizens in Lower Saxony. These include real estate cadastre, geodetic spatial reference, geotopography, real estate valuation and disposal of weapons. Our organization has begun to modernize its software landscape in order to be the central geodata service provider for the state of Lower Saxony even in the digital age.

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10-100 Angestellte

Development and operation of intelligent web applications based on geographic and real-time data are the strength of GEOps. GEOPs focuses on the areas of public transport, mobility and the environment.

The spectrum ranges from data analysis and visualization to information systems and business solutions to complete data hubs. With the integration of timetable and real-time data, operating messages and detailed situation plans, GEOps offers complete public transport passenger information systems.

When selecting technologies, we have a clear focus on open source. In addition to using open source, it is a matter of course for GEOps to regularly publish their own developments. We also support open source conferences, hackathons and similar events.

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WhereGroup GmbH

WhereGroup GmbH


10-100 Angestellte

WhereGroup GmbH

Who or what are we?

We are WhereGroup — a dynamically growing software house for geoinformation systems. The basis of our work is the open-source concept. We develop open-source solutions with spatial references and are deeply rooted in the open-source community. Our customers include companies from various sectors as well as larger authorities and municipalities.

From as-is analysis to planning and software development to productive operation, we support all phases of GIS and database projects. Our range of services includes geoinformation systems for large companies, individual WebGIS solutions, customized OpenStreetMap maps, mobile applications and municipal geoportals.

We are around 50 personalities from various fields spread over the locations in Bonn (headquarters), Freiburg, Berlin and Hamburg. In our teams, you will design and implement software architectures together on equal footing. We really practice teamwork, we help each other and continue our education together.

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Uhl wind power
Renewable energy

Uhl wind power

Renewable energy

10-100 Angestellte

Uhl Windkraft has been planning, building and operating wind turbines in Germany since 1991 and is one of the wind power pioneers. With professional experience and private initiative, an innovative idea developed into an independent group of companies.

So far, we have been able to plan and implement over 200 wind turbines in new construction and repowering projects. The large number of successfully completed wind farm projects reflects our expertise and experience, which we have continuously expanded over the past decades.

As project developers, we cover the entire value chain of project implementation, from site planning and support of the approval process to construction, commissioning and technical operation management. A core goal is to develop new locations for wind power plants in Germany. For this reason, we are constantly looking for new and suitable spaces.

The basis for the successful projects is a highly knowledgeable team of 13 employees, which consists of technicians and engineers, a tax and accounting department, lawyers and strong team assistance.

We have a strong network in the renewable energy sector and beyond and are members of the Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V. and the Wirtschaftsverband Windkraftwerke e.V.

We are looking forward to getting in touch with you too!

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HeiGIT gGmbH

HeiGIT gGmbH


10-100 Angestellte

HeiGIT gGmbH is a research-oriented, non-profit company that has set itself the goal of improving the transfer of knowledge and technology from basic research to practice based on innovative geoinformation technologies. Our vision is a better society and environment by improving free geoinformation and technology. Through research and development, we support decision-making in the areas of climate change, sustainable mobility and humanitarian aid. HeiGIT pursues an open source, open data and open science strategy.

HeiGIT was founded in 2019 as a spin-off from Heidelberg University and continues to work closely with it. HeiGIT is supported by the HITS Foundation, and the basic funding comes from the Klaus Tschira Stiftung gGmbH.

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Knight Frank Berlin GmbH
Real Estate

Knight Frank Berlin GmbH

Real Estate

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Knight Frank LLP, London, is one of the world's leading independent real estate consulting firms, with over 25,000 employees in 488 offices and 57 markets. The head office is in London. In Germany, the company is represented at locations in Munich, Berlin and Frankfurt.

It is a characteristic of Knight Frank that the real estate experts are deeply rooted in their respective local markets. At the same time, they maintain a continuous exchange with each other. This know-how, combined with comprehensive market analyses, enables customers to make strategic decisions that are suitable for their respective portfolio of requirements.

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City of Wuppertal

City of Wuppertal


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Career with the City of Wuppertal

Are you excited to work in a modern, future-oriented service provider? Would you like to actively support our city administration with its many tasks?

We are looking for motivated, committed new colleagues of all nationalities who are also flexible, able to communicate and have a high level of commitment.

We offer you varied and varied activities, good career opportunities, interaction with people and a good working environment.

The city administration is aggressively pursuing the goal of professional equality between women and men.

Wuppertal's diversity should also be reflected in our city administration. We welcome every application regardless of the applicants' ethnic, cultural or social origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, ideology, religion, age or disability and their family responsibilities. Severely disabled applicants will be given special consideration if they are equally qualified.

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Open Source Conference


Open Source Conference

Job board as part of the FOSSGIS conference 2024

cismet GmbH

Geoinformatician/GIS developer (m/f/d) - (full or part time) - 100% remote


Linux Administrator and DevOps (m/f/d) 60-100% at GeOps Ag

Senior/Professional JavaScript Developer (m/f/d) 60-100% at GeoPS Ag

Senior/Professional Full Stack Developer (m/f/d) 80-100% at GeoPS Ag

ioki GmbH

Head of Mobility Intelligence

Klingenstadt Solingen

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)/B.Sc. Department of Surveying as Head of Cadastral Update at Klingenstadt Solingen

Lower Rhine municipal data center

Application Support (m/f/d) Geodata Infrastructure for Three-Dimensional Data and Processes at Lower Rhine Municipal Data Center

Application support (m/f/d) geodata infrastructure in the area of geodata services, metadata and Xplanning at the Lower Rhine municipal data center

Application support (m/f/d) in the area of real estate cadastre at the Lower Rhine municipal data center

State Office for Geoinformation and State Surveying of Lower Saxony (LGLN)

Software Architect (m/f/d) Machine Learning Infrastructure at State Office for Geoinformation and State Survey of Lower Saxony (LGLN)

Software developer (m/f/d) cloud, web services, geodata at the State Office for Geoinformation and State Surveying of Lower Saxony (LGLN)

NRW.mobidrom GmbH

Product Owner Mobidrom Data Platform (m/f/d)

Sovereign Tech Fund

Bug Resilience Program Manager (m/f/d/x)

City of Troisdorf

Geomatician/Geomatician (m/f/d) at the city of Troisdorf

Stadtwerke Bad Oeynhausen AöR

Team Leader Technical Documentation/ Geoinformation (GIS) (f/m/d)

WhereGroup GmbH

Software developer (m/f/d) at WhereGroup

The conference for free and open source software for geoinformation systems as well as for the topics of open data and OpenStreetMap in the D-A-CH region will take place from March 20 to 23, 2024.

Jobs and jobs can be presented both online and onsite. The online presentation will take place from March 11 to April 1, 2024, with the support of the GoGeoGo job board.
In the foyer of the conference, a bulletin board for printed job advertisements is available for on-site participants and a link to the website is provided.

GoGeoGo focuses on geo-industries, such as environment & nature conservation, urban and spatial planning, GIS/geomatics, renewable energy, geology and is currently available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and in German.

Contact GoGeoGo team via email:
Post a job with GoGeoGo:

Contribute advertise Simply enter “FOSSGIS24" in the order number field.
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water management


water management

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Ruhrverband — an operational water management company

The Ruhrverband is a public water management company with no intention of making a profit. Both when operating its dams, which ensure the water supply of 4.6 million people, and when treating wastewater for 60 cities and municipalities in the Ruhr and Lenne catchment area, people and the environment are at the center of his actions, without neglecting the requirement of economic efficiency.

The Ruhrverband is a supra-regional water management service provider. Our employees work at the plants along the Ruhr and at the headquarters in Essen.

The qualifications of the people who work for the Ruhrverband are as diverse as the company's range of tasks. The Ruhrverband employs engineers, waste water experts, sewage technology specialists, fitters, technicians, forestry and fish farmers, chemists, biologists, laboratory assistants, lawyers, IT specialists and specialists for all areas of administration.

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Rosenthaler + Partner AG
Managing projects, processes, and information

Rosenthaler + Partner AG

Managing projects, processes, and information

10-100 Angestellte

Rosenthaler + Partner AG (R+P) creates satisfied customers by developing and implementing goal-oriented, long-term optimal and efficient solutions. R+P stands for competence and innovative commitment in project, process and information management. As an independent consulting firm, R+P is involved in the planning, implementation and operation of the “built environment” with a focus on road and rail infrastructures.

We place a strong focus on people and communication. The focus on data and technology is also crucial for managing and managing information.

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Freiburg Regional Council
public service

Freiburg Regional Council

public service

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Freiburg Regional Council is one of four regional presidents in Baden-Württemberg.

As federating and coordinating authorities, we stand between the state ministries on the one hand and the districts, cities and municipalities on the other. As a so-called middle authority, we bundle various specialist tasks, for example in the areas of refugee reception, disaster control, construction and planning, librarianship, agriculture, road construction, schools, forestry and geology under our roof.

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Arnsberg District Government
public administration

Arnsberg District Government

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The district government of Arnsberg represents the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia in the administrative district of Arnsberg. With around 1,800 employees at various locations, we carry out a wide range of specialist tasks in the areas of health and social services, regional development and economy, education, environment and occupational safety, and mining and energy. We see ourselves as responsible service providers who bring together state, municipal and association interests. Our activities focus on the sustainable development of South Westphalia and the eastern Ruhr region as well as the quality of life of 3.5 million people living on 8,000 square kilometers.

Do you want an exciting job with a wide range of job opportunities? Then you too can become part of our team!

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Hameln-Pyrmont district
district administration

Hameln-Pyrmont district

district administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Interesting employment and development opportunities in a modern administration: That is the Hameln-Pyrmont district as an employer! With around 750 employees, we actively shape the living space of around 150,000 people in our region.

We offer secure jobs and long-term future prospects. And we are looking forward to everyone who enriches us with new ideas. If you want to make a difference together with us, you've come to the right place!

As an employer

With us, you can take on responsibility and get involved. It is important to us that you enjoy working with us. That is why we not only offer you a secure job, but also an attractive environment — and plenty of opportunities for participation. You benefit from comprehensive development offers. And we give you time and space to optimally combine your work and private life.

We in the district see ourselves as service providers. We have enshrined this in our mission statement.

Life in the district

Country life and proximity to the city — the Hameln-Pyrmont district offers everything that makes life worth living:

  • beautiful nature,
  • affordable rents,
  • all types of schools as well as many kindergartens,
  • Weserbergland University (HSW),
  • advanced public transport,
  • many cultural offerings and
  • good shopping opportunities
  • and much more

The state capital Hanover is easy to reach.

Our district consists of eight towns and municipalities, each with its own unique charm. They are attractive places to live for anyone who likes to live in the countryside — especially for families.


  • hiking with or without a bike,
  • mountain biking, fitness training,
  • rowing,
  • dragon boating,
  • Handball or soccer:

There are numerous sports facilities and associations here in the Weser Hills. Here you can quickly connect and make new friends with your favorite sport. And if you prefer to relax, enjoy nature on walks or pamper yourself with wellness.

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City of Leinfelden-Echterdingen

City of Leinfelden-Echterdingen


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Career in the city — Where else am I more.

The city administration of Leinfelden-Echterdingen is a modern service center with the aim of providing the best possible service to its more than 40,000 citizens and to provide them with advice and assistance in a wide range of life situations.

With over 800 employees, it also plays an important role as one of the major local employers and offers exciting tasks and exciting professional challenges. Would you like to be part of our team? Then you've come to the right place, as LE has a lot to offer as a city administration and as a city.

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Human Resources Geobranche


Human Resources Geobranche

1-10 Angestellte

GoGeoGo is a job board that was founded in Germany in August 2023 and is headquartered in Berlin. It focuses on geo-sectors (environment & nature conservation, urban and spatial planning, GIS/geomatics, renewable energy, geology, etc.). GoGeoGo is currently available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and in German. contact:

As three former geography students, we know exactly how difficult it can be to find your own geography focus and start a career. We integrate supply and demand from fragmented and small-scale geo-labor market on a single, central platform → GoGeoGo

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Tübingen City Council

Tübingen City Council


100-1.000+ Angestellte

The university town of Tübingen

Department of Surveying and Geoinformation

Geoinformation Department

As a cross-sectional office, the Geoinformation Department operates an interdepartmental geoinformation system and a geoportal based on ESRI. It develops and supports numerous specialized GIS applications.

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Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy
public service

Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy

public service

100-1.000+ Angestellte

We are the Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), a technically innovative authority within the remit of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs. As a federal geodata service provider, we provide federal institutions, such as the Federal Police or Technical Relief Organization, with highly up-to-date geodata and, with our approximately 390 employees, make an important contribution to overcoming the enormous challenges in the areas of environment, climate, security, transport and spatial planning and are constantly driving forward geodigitization within the federal government.

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Bonn-Netz GmbH
power supply

Bonn-Netz GmbH

power supply

10-100 Angestellte

BonnNetz — a subsidiary of Energie- und Wasserversorgung Bonn-Rhein/Sieg GmbH — plans, builds and operates energy networks in the Bonn urban area. As a large grid company, it has owned the entire electricity and gas networks in the federal city of Bonn since fiscal year 2016 and operates them in accordance with the provisions of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG).

With around 400 employees, BonnNetz uses a high level of professional expertise to ensure the sustainable operation of the network infrastructure and thus creates the essential basis for a reliable supply of electricity, gas and water as well as district heating. In addition to pure supply, the tasks also include ensuring and managing non-discriminatory network access and network transmission.

BonnNetz also operates the radio and data network as well as the street lighting network in the Bonn urban area. The unregulated networks are managed by BonnNetz on behalf of Energie- und Wasserversorgung Bonn-Rhein/Sieg GmbH.

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Atlas Titan
Technical project management

Atlas Titan

Technical project management

100-1.000+ Angestellte

We — Atlas Titan — are the partner in technical project management. We are currently represented ten times in Germany — with companies in Bayreuth, Berlin, Braunschweig/Vechelde, Bremen, Dortmund, Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne, Rostock and Stuttgart.

Atlas Titan has a particular focus on the energy sector, but also has a wealth of experience and expertise in the areas of IT, automotive, mechanical and plant engineering, shipbuilding, rail, electronics and automation technology.

As project partners, we only work with highly qualified specialists who have many years of experience and diverse professional and industry knowledge. Together, we focus on long-term success through a clear value system and a high level of employee satisfaction.

Atlas Titan was founded in 2006 by experienced executives with the aim of creating a consulting firm that combines the highest level of professionalism and flexibility with the values of fairness, transparency, commitment and responsibility — the Atlas Titan idea. The name Atlas Titan is derived from Greek mythology: Atlas (ancient Greek for “wearer”) is a titan that supports the sky with its enormous power. We have set ourselves the goal of translating this idea into the present day and leading even our clients' most complex projects to a secure success.

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Ministry of Interior, Municipal Affairs, Housing and Sport Schleswig-Holstein
public administration

Ministry of Interior, Municipal Affairs, Housing and Sport Schleswig-Holstein

public administration

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Ministry of Interior, Municipal Affairs, Housing and Sport Schleswig-Holstein

The Ministry of the Interior, Municipal Affairs, Housing and Sport has more than 500 employees working in various areas of responsibility, which are divided into seven departments. In addition to General Department 1, which deals with issues of internal organization, personnel administration and basic legal issues, there are a further six specialist departments: Department of Civil Protection and Regulatory Law (Department 2), Municipal Department (Department 3), Police Department (Department 4), Construction and Housing (Department 5), Regional Planning (Department 6) and Protection of the Constitution (Department 7).

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Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR)
Federal public service

Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR)

Federal public service

100-1.000+ Angestellte

that Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR) in the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) is the departmental research institution within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction (BMWSB) and advises the Federal Government at national and European level on urban and spatial development as well as housing, real estate and construction tasks.

To support structural change in regions that need action, particularly in the coal regions, the BBSR is setting up a new “Competence Center for Regional Development” (KRE) at the Cottbus site. The Competence Center provides scientific support for structural change in the coal regions, advises politics and administration, and prepares findings from comparable processes in Germany and abroad and makes them available to the coal regions.

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Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences


100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam — German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ is the national center for geosphere research. As a member of Helmholtz Association We are part of Germany's largest scientific organization. With round 1,500 For employees, we develop a well-founded system and process understanding of the solid earth as well as strategies and options for action to address global change and its regional effects, understand natural hazards and reduce associated risks in order to sustainably secure the growing demand for energy and raw materials for a high-tech society and to assess people's influence on the Earth system.

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NOTUS energy group of companies
Renewable energy

NOTUS energy group of companies

Renewable energy

100-1.000+ Angestellte


NOTUS energy initiates, plans and builds wind and solar parks worldwide.

In addition,

  • Are we a independent power producer (IPP),
  • Do we implement as general contractor major international projects,
  • Do we take over as asset manager yours technical and commercial management,
  • Are we a technology companies and develop AI solutions for renewable energy.

More information

NOTUS energy has been planning, building and operating nationally and internationally for over 20 years

wind and solar farms. Our motivated team aims to significantly advance the energy revolution.

With over 330 employees in over 15 countries, we make our daily contribution to an ecologically and economically secure future.

Would you like to find out more about working at NOTUS energy?

Then visit our homepage

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Thüringer Fernwasser
water supply

Thüringer Fernwasser

water supply

10-100 Angestellte

Thuringian long-distance water supply

As a public institution, Thüringer Fernwasserversorgung is a competent service provider in the field of water management. Our tasks include the construction and operation of over 120 dams, drinking water treatment and supply, flood protection and the provision of process water for agricultural or industrial purposes. We currently employ around 240 skilled and committed employees who guarantee flawless and reliable support for our systems. By operating ten hydroelectric plants, we are making a contribution to the success of the energy revolution.

Be a part of us

Water connects — water for the whole of Thuringia: The Thuringian long-distance water supply is represented throughout the Free State. With the highest standards of quality and quality, our experts check the water from the source to the dams, supervise the drinking water treatment process through to handover to regional drinking water suppliers.

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water management


water management

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Niersverband is a public corporation. The association area comprises the Niers catchment area. The main tasks are wastewater disposal, rainwater treatment and retention, water maintenance, flood protection, restoration of water bodies and associated waste disposal.

At the Niersverband, everything is in a state of flux in the truest sense of the word. For more than 90 years, with over 480 dedicated employees, he has been ensuring that the Niers is a clean body of water.

At the beginning of the 20th century, things looked completely different. Due to the growing population, the Niers was a smelly muddy body of water — luckily that's history! Designed close to nature, the Niers offers habitats for many animal and plant species and has developed into a real local recreation area.

Association members include the cities, municipalities, districts and commercial companies in the association area. The association area comprises the Niers catchment area. As a modern service provider, the main tasks of the Niersverband are:

  • waste water disposal,
  • rainwater treatment and retention,
  • water maintenance,
  • regulating water runoff and ensuring flood runoff,
  • the renaturation of water bodies and
  • the waste disposal associated with the tasks.

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Hertener Stadtwerke GmbH

Hertener Stadtwerke GmbH

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Who are we

Hertener Stadtwerke GmbH is a modern, regional supply company that can already look back on 120 years of tradition. We not only supply the citizens of the city of Herten with electricity, gas and district heating, but also offer green electricity and natural gas outside the city limits of Herten. As part of the City of Herten Group, we also take on many other tasks in public life. We also operate the Copa Ca Backum leisure pool and the Copa Oasis with sauna area and wellness area. We always focus on people: whether in customer contact or in our municipal utility family.

Your future work area

The GIS center in the “City of Herten Group”

With a small innovative team, the GIS Center has been developing and operating a complex interdepartmental GIS infrastructure for the “City of Herten Group” for many years. It follows an integrated approach in which Group members use the GIS infrastructure and at the same time contribute to its development

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100-1.000+ Angestellte

Engineers with responsibility

The BERNARD Group is an independent, nationally and internationally active engineering company for interdisciplinary tasks in the areas of energy, industry, infrastructure and mobility. We provide technical and economic advice, complete planning and the implementation of projects. Committed to high quality, we deliver fair, innovative and sustainable solutions; this is our job as engineers with responsibility.

BERNARD Group became 1983 founded, is managed by the second generation and employs around 500 employees worldwide. Our interdisciplinary engineering office is a German-Austrian Companies with international offices in China, India, Iraq and Uganda. Our specialist companies offer solutions that go beyond traditional engineering services. Our employees Are an important Part of our success. This ensures our good reputation, our innovation-oriented thinking and the sustainability of our services at all BERNARD Group locations.

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Stadwerke Bonn GmbH
Public Utilities and Utilities

Stadwerke Bonn GmbH

Public Utilities and Utilities

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Who we are

Stadtwerke Bonn and its subsidiaries take care of energy supply, public transport and waste recycling in Bonn and the region. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Bonn, we are actively involved in implementing the UN climate goals. To achieve this, we invest in renewable energy sources. We are reducing the CO2 content of our products and services and taking advantage of the digital transformation. This is how we are setting the course for climate change in Bonn.

We offer exciting jobs, independent action, committed leadership and a good sense of community. Have we sparked your interest? Take advantage of the opportunity and become one of more than 2,600 employees from over 40 nations who together stand for a better quality of life, economic development and sustainability.

What we do

We ensure the supply of electricity, natural gas, drinking water, district heating and energy services in Bonn and the region. We actively shape public transport mobility with public buses, city railways and trams, use innovative technologies and promote the expansion of electric mobility. We also work sustainably in waste management with our waste recycling plant, which uses combined heat and power to deliver steam to the combined heat and power plant and for an environmentally friendly district heating supply.

There are also new mobility offers for the last mile, which we are successfully launching with partners operating nationwide. A fleet of 900 rental bikes, 1,000 e-scooters and 12 e-scooters speaks for itself. We are pioneers when it comes to digitization: With the BonnSmart pilot project, citizens can pay contactlessly and smartly on our buses and trains.

Are climate protection and sustainability just as important to you as they are to us? Then you fit right into our profile!

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Philippe Lebert GmbH

Philippe Lebert GmbH


1-10 Angestellte

Philippe Lebert GmbH

HR consulting geoinformatics and IT

The focus of my company, Philippe Lebert GmbH in Zurich, is very clearly defined: I advise geoinformatics and computer science companies as well as companies that have recognized the added value of all types of spatial data for their business.

I also help professionals from these industries find jobs. I connect experienced engineers, spatial data specialists, GIS specialists, geomatics specialists, and IT professionals of all levels to companies throughout Switzerland.

If you want

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Vermessung/ Geodäsie


Vermessung/ Geodäsie

100-1.000+ Angestellte

A few words about us

GEO-METRIC has been a permanent fixture in the industry for over 30 years. Always accurate and always on time. That is the goal that our 160 employees meet every day. And it is the foundation of our success. That is why GEO-METRIC among the most powerful in the area of surveying and geoinformatics. What we measure today is tomorrow's innovation.

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con terra GmbH

con terra GmbH


10-100 Angestellte

Partner for GeoIT solutions

con terra GmbH designs and develops GeoIT solutions, offers consulting, hosting, data services, sales, training and support at the highest level. Excellent industry know-how and a high level of innovative strength form the basis of our daily work. con terra is a platinum partner in the international network of GIS world market leader Esri Inc. and a platinum partner of Safe Software Inc., manufacturer of FME. Con terra currently employs 230+ people. The company is headquartered in Münster, with further locations in Berlin, Cologne and Leipzig.

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HxGN Safety & Infrastructure GmbH

HxGN Safety & Infrastructure GmbH


10-100 Angestellte

hexagon is a leading global provider of digital reality solutions that combine sensor, software and autonomous technologies. We use data to increase efficiency, productivity, quality, and safety in industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, mobility, and public sector applications. Our technologies contribute to the design of production-related and people-connected ecosystems that are becoming increasingly connected and autonomous — for a scalable, sustainable future.

Hexagons Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial Division improves the resilience and sustainability of key services, services and infrastructure globally for the benefit of communities. Our solutions generate meaningful information and functions from complex data on people, sites and systems for better and faster decision-making in the areas of government and organizations with security tasks, supply and disposal, defense, traffic and public administration.

Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) employs around 24,000 people in 50 countries and has net sales of around 5.2 billion euros.

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Klingenstadt Solingen

Klingenstadt Solingen


100-1.000+ Angestellte

With around 163,000 inhabitants, the city of Klingenstadt Solingen is a major city in the “Bergisches Städtedreieck”. Modern, diverse, colorful, crisis-proof: The city administration is an attractive employer and, with around 2500 employees, the largest local employer. As a modern service provider, she ensures the well-being of the urban community with a wide range of tasks. She is an employer with a role model and is intensively committed to ensuring that employees feel comfortable at their workplace.

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Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft
Wald und Forstwirtschaft

Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft

Wald und Forstwirtschaft

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Bavarian State Institute for Forest and Forestry is a special authority of the Bavarian Forest Administration.

As a staff unit, we support the forestry department of the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry and its offices.

The LWF employs around 180 people. Small teams with short lines of communication allow us to work effectively. Our research teams consist of scientifically trained foresters, experienced forest practitioners and specialists from other disciplines. In our scientific work, we are constantly in touch with practice.

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Landesbetrieb HessenForst

Landesbetrieb HessenForst


100-1.000+ Angestellte


HessenForst is a state enterprise in accordance with Section 26 of the State Budget Code and thus part of the Hessian state administration.

HessenForst is responsible for the expert management, maintenance and healthy growth of the Hessian forest. We stand for sustainable forestry and are the central point of contact in the exchange of interests relating to forests — from citizens to wood buyers to cooperation with nature protection associations.

The fulfilment of our tasks includes numerous job profiles — each one exciting and diverse. They not only require different training and skills, but also offer attractive prospects and development opportunities in a modern company.

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Erzbistum Köln, Generalvikariat
Sozialer Bereich

Erzbistum Köln, Generalvikariat

Sozialer Bereich

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Employer Archdiocese of Cologne

The Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Cologne employs around 60,000 people full-time.

The Vicariate General is the central administration of the Archdiocese of Cologne. Around 800 employees work in the various specialist departments and institutions. In addition to general administration, tasks include supporting pastoral care, managing personnel and finances, and providing expertise and framework concepts.

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Kreis Coesfeld
Öffentliche Verwaltung

Kreis Coesfeld

Öffentliche Verwaltung

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Coesfeld district administration

As a municipal service center for around 225,000 residents in 11 district towns and municipalities, the Coesfeld district offers diverse, exciting and interesting employment opportunities in various administrative areas.

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Kreis Unna
Öffentlicher Dienst

Kreis Unna

Öffentlicher Dienst

100-1.000+ Angestellte

The complex tasks of the Unna district administration range from  car registration to dental service. These are carried out by over 1,600 employees.

Are you also interested in working for the Unna district administration? Then we are looking forward to your application!

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mundialis GmbH & Co. KG

mundialis GmbH & Co. KG


10-100 Angestellte

About mundialis

At mundialis, we work with free geodata and free software in the remote sensing environment.

In doing so, we generate spatial information while developing free and open source software. Both form the core of tailor-made GIS solutions, which are implemented in a customer-oriented manner.

We work scientifically with regional, national and international project partners.

mundialis focuses on the use of free geodata, such as the European Copernicus program or the open data offerings of the federal states. From these huge amounts of data, we generate spatial information in the form of map and data products as well as web services. To do this, we develop innovative GIS and remote sensing methods using artificial intelligence and machine learning. We implement these in software designed individually according to customer requirements. The basis is the geographic information system GRASS GIS and the cloud-based geoprocessing platform actinia, which we are continuously expanding and making available as free and open source software. It is just as important to us to maintain and publish metadata about our data and services in publicly accessible catalogs.

With our work, we have already been able to convince international organizations, national and regional players and private companies. These include the European Space Agency (ESA), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ruhr Regional Association, Deutsche Telekom AG and the World Wide Fund For Nature - Switzerland (WWF CH).

In addition to our content-related work, we see ourselves as an environmentally conscious and sustainable company that makes a positive contribution to society and the environment.

Many of our projects focus on preserving and restoring natural resources and improving living conditions. Examples include the restoration of tropical ecosystems, the analysis of urban green spaces, the monitoring of infectious diseases or satellite-based disaster management.

By using and publishing open source software, we are part of an active and collaborative community in which everyone benefits through open and fair principles. This enables low-threshold and long-term use and further development of our software.

mundialis combines many years of experience in open source development with scientific know-how and agile project management. Our dynamically growing team combines considerable professional experience, language skills and professional skills: in total, we offer over six decades of experience in the remote sensing environment — speak English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Arabic and Japanese — and have expertise in geography, geodesy, geoinformatics, physics, biology and water resources management, among others — we have a lot to offer!

We are looking forward to talking to you, discussing your challenges and working out possible solutions together.

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Gemeinde Kreuzau
Öffentliche Gemeinde

Gemeinde Kreuzau

Öffentliche Gemeinde

10-100 Angestellte

With currently 18,000 inhabitants, the municipality of Kreuzau is the third largest municipality in the Düren district.

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Landkreis Ravensburg

Landkreis Ravensburg


100-1.000+ Angestellte

The district of Ravensburg, with its 39 cities and municipalities, is part of the economically strong and scenic Bodensee-Upper Swabia region with a high quality of life. We are a modern service and service provider for our customers and employees. Our approximately 1,600 employees work in a total of 26 offices for the diverse and varied concerns of our citizens.

With our training and study occupations, junior staff, continuing education and qualification programs, we support and accompany a wide variety of career paths. In addition to health management services, we offer a wide range of e-training courses and seminars that can be used for professional, methodological and personal development. As a family-friendly employer with a wide variety of working time models and the option of working from home, we support our employees in all phases of their lives.

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VertiGIS GmbH
GIS, Telco, CAFM

VertiGIS GmbH

GIS, Telco, CAFM

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Make Connections — Build Solutions

The VertiGIS group of companies is a leading provider of innovative software solutions in the areas of geographic information systems (GIS), facility management (CAFM) and telecommunications (Telco).

Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) is an advanced software solution for efficient building management. We help our customers improve their operations and make them more efficient. Our software helps companies, government agencies, and educational institutions to plan, execute, and monitor real estate and facility management activities.

We are regionally positioned and globally networked. We always keep an eye on the big picture without losing sight of the individual. As a market-leading company, we offer the professional structures of a modern employer and find suitable and pragmatic solutions for the individual needs of our employees.

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Nexiga GmbH
Location Intelligence / Geomarketing

Nexiga GmbH

Location Intelligence / Geomarketing

10-100 Angestellte

Nexiga is a leading provider of location intelligence

The company uses its know-how, experience and innovative strength on a daily basis to refine the quality of data and analyses and thus deliver ever better services and results. Intelligent analyses and cloud-based software-as-a-service solutions strengthen industry expertise with individually adapted data. Based on these intelligent methods, they control business processes in all industries. Nexiga's location intelligence solutions ensure companies long-term profitable competitive advantages as well as uncompromising reliability and maximum customer benefit. Nexiga is a member of the GSG GENII Software Group (, which offers leading, industry-specific software solutions and services for medium-sized companies and public administrations. GENII, based in Munich, has achieved sales of around 340 million euros with around 2,400 employees. GENII is backed by Bregal Unternehmerkapital and Elvaston.

If you want

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Stadt Köln

Stadt Köln


100-1.000+ Angestellte

Do Cologne!

Your city. Your job.

We're doing Cologne! more beautiful, stronger, more livable, more colorful — in short: better.

Cologne City Council — admittedly, that doesn't sound quite as exciting at first. But for us, a job with the city means anything but dusty offices or scheme F. This is due, of course, to the city of Cologne itself, which is just as known for its joie de vivre, cosmopolitanism and internationality, as well as as as a cultural capital, sports metropolis and an important location for industry, trade and science. All of this makes Cologne as special as it is. And that is exactly what determines the actions of our employees, who love their city and the people who live here do their best.

We have city managers, engineers, gardeners, traffic monitors, educators, IT professionals, doctors, figures and eloquents, culture and history enthusiasts, innovative thinkers and many more who shape public life in our city and make Cologne as special as it is.

By the way, we offer much more than office jobs in all our departments and around 80 offices and offices. We are therefore an employer for people from a wide variety of backgrounds and at the same time a modern service provider who comprehensively advises and supports Cologne residents in all situations of life. We are making Cologne fit for the future!

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Urbanistic GmbH

Urbanistic GmbH


1-10 Angestellte

Wir sind ein wachsendes Proptech-Unternehmen mit Wurzeln an der TU München. Seit 2021 entwickeln wir die nächste Generation der Stadtplanungssoftware.
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GreenCharge GmbH

GreenCharge GmbH


10-100 Angestellte

We are GreenCharge

Our team comes from various industries such as energy technology, mechanical engineering, asset management and banking as well as management consulting - but we have one goal in common: We want to drive the mobility revolution forward and implement the “Green Change” sustainably with Green Charge.

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GreenVesting GmbH & Co. KG

GreenVesting GmbH & Co. KG


1-10 Angestellte

Green energy. Black numbers.

How does environmental protection pay off financially? With us And definitely. At GreenVesting in Cölbe, we have been combining economic and ecological goals for lucrative green energy investments since 2009 in order to offer our customers and partners good returns with a green conscience. We combine engineering expertise with financial knowledge, drive ecological projects forward quickly and successfully and manage all resources — as a competent partner for our customers. And because we know that our expertise doesn't come from just anywhere, we invest in the sustainable future of our employees and avoid opaque hierarchies. Instead, we offer you an innovative workplace, a collegial, friendly working atmosphere and individual solutions for your daily work routine.

In solar technology, a motivated 7-person team and varied tasks await you — and a good mix of desk work and regular plant visits.

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Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis

Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis


100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Office for Real Estate Cadastre and Geoinformation is responsible for collecting, maintaining and providing the basic geodata of the real estate register in the district area. As a service provider for overall administration, the Office is also responsible for spatial tasks and the use of geographical information systems. The municipalities belonging to the district are supported in this area as well as various tourism organizations and special purpose associations (The Bergisches Land and the Bergisches Land Nature Park) with regard to tourist map products.

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BSF Swissphoto AG

BSF Swissphoto AG


10-100 Angestellte

BSF Swissphoto - For over 90 years, we have been shaping the geodata industry with passion, innovation and precision. As a Swiss-German company steeped in tradition, we have made a name for ourselves through our commitment to excellence and our dynamic orientation. Our modern aircraft fleet and pioneering infrastructure make us pioneers in the 3D mapping and consulting world.

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100-1.000+ Angestellte

Efficient infrastructures are the lifelines of a modern society and economy. They secure Germany's future. As an independent regulatory authority, the Federal Network Agency is responsible for sustainable competition, sustainable networks and strong consumer protection. We employ around 3,000 people in Bonn, Mainz and at 44 other locations.

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Universität Potsdam, Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geografie
Forschung und Lehre

Universität Potsdam, Institut für Umweltwissenschaften und Geografie

Forschung und Lehre

100-1.000+ Angestellte

Founded in 1991, the University of Potsdam has firmly established itself in the scientific landscape and has developed into an outstanding economic factor and development engine for the region. It has third-party funding, has won several awards in teaching, has a service-oriented administration and has been honored as family-friendly. Around 22,000 students and 3,000 employees work at three locations — Am Neuen Palais, Griebnitzsee and Golm — at one of the most beautifully located academic institutions in Germany. At the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Geography, 120 employees research, teach and work on a wide range of environmental and geographical topics, including strongly on an international level.

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Niedersächsische Landesforsten

Niedersächsische Landesforsten


100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Lower Saxony State Forests are one of the most important forest companies in Germany. With 1,300 employees, our company manages 310,000 ha of state forest, provides extensive services for the state of Lower Saxony and has an annual turnover of around 160 million euros. The state forests are characterized by varied activities involving the assumption of responsibility, integration into a cooperative team, flexibly coordinated working hours with a public sector employer and various training opportunities. This is another reason why our company's success so far is the result of the work of our highly qualified and committed employees. A broad-based continuous improvement process ensures our success also in the future under changing circumstances.

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infas LT GmbH

infas LT GmbH


10-100 Angestellte

For more than 40 years, infas LT has specialized in designing and implementing map-based software solutions (Mapping Solutions). Since 2019, infas LT has been part of infas Holding. The addition of the data and analysis expertise of our sister company infas 360 makes us one of the leading full-service providers in geomarketing. This enables our customers to comprehensively describe, analyze and visualize target groups, markets, locations and areas.

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terrestris GmbH & Co. KG

terrestris GmbH & Co. KG


10-100 Angestellte

We, the company terrestris, offer IT services and products with open source software. In doing so, we focus in particular on the processing and presentation of geospatial data using GeoInformation Systems (GIS) in all its forms. We operate a variety of internal and external Linux server systems/web applications for our own requirements and those of our customers.

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geoGLIS GmbH & Co. KG

geoGLIS GmbH & Co. KG


10-100 Angestellte

GeoGlis was founded in Eckernförde in 1996. For us, everything revolves around geodata and its processing. Our fields of work include the collection and digitization of geospatial data, advice on the introduction and operation of geographic information systems, training these and support during the ongoing operation of geoinfrastructures. Our online map service onmaps also rounds off our portfolio. We can look back on a diverse customer base, which includes public administration as well as commercial enterprises from a wide range of sectors, such as the real estate industry, tourism, energy suppliers and forestry. GeoGLIS prepared the first city maps for presentation on Internet portals at a very early stage on the basis of official ATKIS data from the state survey. On this basis, the cartographically appealing and flexible OnMaps map optimized for online presentation was created. In particular, the high density of information, the good performance and the independent scale are some of the quality features worth mentioning.

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TU Wien

TU Wien


100-1.000+ Angestellte

The Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation is part of TU Wien.

(The Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation is part of TU Vienna.)

If you want

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